Friday, September 5, 2008

Sonnet LVIII

I hope I could sneak this in... I haven't seen Sonnet LVIII perform in ages...

I hope they don't mind me reposting an entry from their myspace blog, I'm not sure who wrote it.

The Beauty Of The AM7 Chord

Remember those times we played our songs and everyone had blank stares? After a song, they would look at each other, say nothing and think "Should we clap?". It seemed like they didn't have any clue of what we were doing. Neither do we. To us though, it was all natural. Broken chords and all. To them, it was otherworldly. But it was fun looking at those bewitched or bothered or bewildered faces.

People called us snobs. Maybe we were. Maybe we knew there were only a few of us like-minded souls. Maybe we felt they wouldn't and/or couldn't interpret the language we spoke. Maybe they couldn't understand why we drown everything in reverb and delay effects. Maybe we knew something that they didn't know about.

We've met friends along the way. We've met people who were like us. And some of them knew our language. And it was the most exciting part of our lives. We shared the same taste in music, films, books, vintage clothing and eighties TV shows. We traded mixtapes and wishlists. We talked about how we felt about people who try to/ couldn't understand what we were into. But of course, our favorite discussions were about people who were "into it" because it sounded "cool". Maybe we really knew something that they didn't know about.

Sometimes we'd like to believe it's the beauty of the AM7 chord.

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