Wednesday, September 10, 2008


i'm immersing in belle & sebastian this week... especially this friggin complicated song, "I'm a Cuckoo"...

"Jesus told me, go after every coin
Like it was the last in the world
And protect the wayward child
But I'm a little lost sheep
I need my Bo peep
I know I need my Shepherd here tonight
Breaking off is misery
I see a wilderness for you and me
Punctuated by philosophy
And a wondering how things could've been
Id like to see you
But really I should stay away..."

We'll be doing something like 6 covers for Belle and Sebastian nite in October... I think I have a relationship with my band-- I need to make time for it, keep the sparks alive, commit to it and jeez with all these projects I got, the commitment part is really tested!

But really... I am a cuckoo, according to this week's horoscope at Shine

Leo (July 23rd-Aug. 22nd)
Oh, Leo, you're a fool for love. It's kind of cute when Meg Ryan does it, but on you, it just looks pathetic. Walk away from love before it walks all over you, leaving nothing but a set of muddy footprints. (Yes, it's true, we're a little bit country, a little bit rock 'n' roll.)

artwork by AshleyG

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