I heart Gwen's Stefani's
Harajuku Lovers scents... if only for the cute bottles...
They're sadly not available in my beloved country. But their descriptions on Osmoz weren't "me" anyway. I need to go scent shopping soon as my Boss Femme 50mL's nearly up. I've been saving it for important occasions and am just using Declan's cologne on typical days.
A new scent helps frame a state of mind. Of course only wishy-washy girls understand this. Scents have marked phases in my life since my first bottle back in 2000.
Technically my first scent was an imitation Cool Water I was sort of conned into buying by a co-PA back in ABS. Let's not count that one...
Months later, my ol' college friend Sharon came back to Manila with one of the last few bottles of
Gap Grass before it was finally phased out, that was my 2nd bottle. I used it up in less than a year then I bought the one-note classic
Green Tea (Liz Arden) before all the imitations came out. One could say that this
Green phase was my pre-Declan phase when I was a whole lot more carefree and boyish and reckless, and things were simpler.
While having Declan, I was penniless and I remember using a Victoria's Secret body spray given by a friend or an aunt, I don't really remember. I was incurably depressed during this time and didn't care to go out of the house let alone have any concern over scents.
After I gave birth I remember using
W (Banana Republic), a sample bottle I got as a Christmas gift I think. Thus began a love affair with
florals as I left media temporarily for more stable call center work. I used
Happy (Clinique) and
Light Blue (Dolce & Gabanna) alternately. Now both are considered cliche scents copied by even the most affordable cologne brands. One could say that Happy was my most long term signature having used 3 100mL bottles.
I resigned after 3 years and moved into a rented new condo. Little did I know this was to be one of the darker times in my life. I had a new scent to mark the trasition,
Omnia (Bvlgari). This was a spicy-oriental one, ending my floral phase.
When I got out of that rut and moved back into my parents' home, I bought a new scent too mark the new beginning. This was
Boss Femme , a return to florals, but on a less fruity/ flirty note.
I'm wondering what could be next? The simpler one-essence-per-note
Alabaster (Banana Republic)? Or the adventurous floral-green-with-notes-of-chocolate
Covet (Sarah Jessica Parker) ? Or the old classic
Manifesto (Isabella Rossellini), or the cheap reliable ready for shipping at ebay.ph--
White 360 (Perry Ellis)....
Finding a scent that clicks is just as difficult as finding the right production designer. But that's another story...