Tuesday, July 29, 2008

i heart postsecret

stolen from postsecret

sometimes i pretend i don't so i can can feign jadedness and nonchalance (that's my not-so-secret post secret)

but a heartfelt virtual hi-five to whoever sent this.


Anonymous said...

no need to treat oneself as the latest free cheese and crackers on aisle 10, when in reality you're that chunky, delectable piece of filet mignon in the freezer section. yes, alone and frozen for now, but what a meal you'd make given the right and capable --and deserving-- chef. ah, the taste, the aroma....brrr, yes, it's cold, but just for now.

Pamstr said...

well there you go... nothing like a woman-as-piece-of-meat-in-the-freezer to brighten up my mood aheheh.

Anonymous said...

There you go as well-- add "quick wit" to your upside, he, he. :)